Mary Gordon

Obituary of Mary Gordon

Mary Gordon passed from this world Saturday, July 18 in Fort Worth.She was a devoted wife of 44 years and a mother of two wonderful children. A lover of life who craved adventure and fun, she cherished both the spiritual and material world. Among her favorite things were turtles, cats, horses and her beloved recently deceased dog, Travis. She adored the Catholic Church, to which she was a convert, and had an unquenchable thirst for God.She loved the movie “To Kill a Mockingbird,” which she could almost recite by heart. She and her husband Jim shared a love of old movies, including those of Humphrey Bogart and Charles Chaplin.Many people loved her and saw a pure spirituality. She found a home with the secular Franciscan order, with whom she made many new friends and broadened her spirituality. She also eagerly anticipated her Monday morning, Bible study, and loved every one of the “girls” with whom she communed. She will be profoundly missed.She is survived by her husband; Jim, daughter; Valerie, son; Robert, son-in-law; Tommy, mother ; Clara Jo, sister; Elizabeth, brother; Richard and adopted brother; Robin.